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love your life. because your life is the one and only thing that can't take by another person - Munissa Sari

Friday 26 February 2010

Neufty Quatreas~Forano Ve Dieci♥

jadi, hari ini gue foto buku tahunan di daerah karawaci. namanya benton (kalo gasalah). 9-4 (kelas gue) atau Neufty Quatreas ngambil tema Downtown/ Hollywood Street gt. jd ngambil tempatnya di karawaci. kata didi sih daerah sana suasana-nya kayak poland gt. iyaiya aja deh gue mah-_-wk. udah deh, share photos aja yaa all! :3

me, tiara, hilda

with my lovely NEUFTY QUATREAS♥

hilda, me, & arman. xo!

w/ joseph. shit! kebanting-_-

see? gue paling kecil, paling pendek. sialan-_-

& @diazorro. wuh nyokap bokap ketawa-->gue kebanting gt-_-"

hihi kocak :3

w/ my @stellatenism. ♥ ya!

gue suka backgroundnya :3

gue suka deh foto-fotonya. tp gue gasuka foto gue buat di buku tahunan nanti. ergh jelek guenya-_-liat nanti aja deh hasilnya. see you!
