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love your life. because your life is the one and only thing that can't take by another person - Munissa Sari

Sunday 11 April 2010


hai all! this is sunday and i love it!♡ oiya, fyi, honestly yg gue mksd disini itu tulus ikhlas. gue sendiri sebenernya gatau mau post apa dan gue ga ngerti. tp gue mau sedikit curhat-_-

i just found a little pain in my heart, no found but felt. yeah, felt! it's like thousand of arrows coming to your heart and make it hurt until you die. several day ago, i always said and think, you must appreciate you life. MUST!!! because your life is the one and only thing that can't take by another person. your life is yours. and nobody can take it from you. you must appreciate it even your life is sucks, and nobody who cares about you. just appreciate it, learn about faithful, and you'll know about undying love (ganyambung). sometimes, your life is a very very very beautiful thing, but sometimes it's gonna be sucks! all you can do is hard work and pray. say thanks to your God :) there's some people who come and go to your life. they're your friend(s) and maybe ya sometimes, boyfriend. your friend(s) is a girl/boy who cares about you the most! and always support when you down. Alhamdulillah, i got it :D

nah, skg gue mau tanya. ngerti ga lo lo pada sama post gue diatas? kagak ye? gue jg-__-tp gue nulis kata-kata di atas itu dr pikiran sm hati gue (ea). gue ikhlas tulisnya. ya mungkin dan semoga bisa jd pelajaran buat yg baca. meskipun itu sangat sangatlah tidak nyambung-,-'gue jg gatau knp gue jd berubah 180
◦ ~~~ sangat sangat berubah, sampai ke kehidupan gue, perasaan gue. gue jd gapeka sama org lain, pdhl itu harus krn manusia itu mahluk sosial (ea anak ips). tp kenapa ye gue berubah? dunno, hope it will be a good change for me :D hope you will get what you want, still grateful and................enjoy your life all :)

smooch xx,