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love your life. because your life is the one and only thing that can't take by another person - Munissa Sari

Thursday 2 September 2010

kindest boy

hello people! how r u? i'm not okay 'cause i'm sick ryt now ;-( now, i just wanna tell u somethin'!! the kindest boy. mgkn ga banyak yg bisa nebak ya ini siapa HEHEHE :-P tp mgkn bbrp orang bisa. jd tbtb gue seneng gt kan. ya siapasih yg ga seneng kl mslkn lo prnh punya hubungan yg ga baik sm orang trs skg membaik. siapa yg ga seneng cb? nah gue jg seneng sbg tmn kok. tp emg bener2 dia nya baik bgt gt haaaaah. nah trs kan ya gue blg ke tmn2 gue kayak gini ---> it's fun #^&$%&%$* he's one of kind. he really care. he really know how to make me smile&laugh&forget my problems. Glad & Grateful. Say Thanks to God<3..............iya gue cmn blg gt kok. yg di sensor itu clue nya ya hahahaha-_-tp nanda kmrn gue crt ga ksh respon, plg dia tidur dan bb nya di taro. nadira skg di sms blm delivered haha. kl tiara blg "glad to heart that :-D kok bisa, dia ngapain?" hahahahaha tiara. kl ghina "itu patut disyukuri kok. walaupun blablablabla" maaf ya disensor lg HEHEHE. yg jelas seneng bgt. ga nyangka bakal kayak gini. bs saling dukung satu sm lain. bs curhat gt :-P bs ngayal brg2 gt HUAKAKAKAKAKA. yg jelas ini baik bgt buat kedepan. PASTINYA! you're too kind boy. and i never regret that i was know you. thanks a lot :-)

ps : he's not M. he's NOT the NEW

-Munissa Sari Mahardika, i wish i'm the sweetest girl that you ever know