your number :

love your life. because your life is the one and only thing that can't take by another person - Munissa Sari

Friday 17 September 2010

meaning of my name

gue sih gatau ini bener apa kagak. ini gue nemu dr blog si Fia. abis gue bosen. ga posting kok kayaknya blog gue jd kampung yak......cnd. yaudah lanjooot! nih ya....


M: success comes easily to you
U: you feel like you have to equal up to people's standarts
N: you like to work, but you always want a break
I: you are always smiling and making others smile
S: you are very broad-minded
S: you are very broad-minded
A: you can be very quite when you have something on your mind

S: you are very broad-minded
A: you can be very quite when you have something on your mind
R: you are a social butterfly
I: you are always smiling and making others smile

M = success comes easily to you
A: you can be very quite when you have something on your mind
H: you are not judgmental
A: you can be very quite when you have something on your mind
R: you are a social butterfly
D: you have trouble trusting people
I: you are always smiling and making others smile
K: you like to try new things
A: you can be very quite when you have something on your mind

HAHAHAHAHAHA yg di large gt tuh yg bener ya :b biarin sih.malem2 nih hampir jam 12 gue udah gajelas bgt lalalala~ yastajim. ok deh. BYE! ;)
