your number :

love your life. because your life is the one and only thing that can't take by another person - Munissa Sari

Thursday 24 June 2010

from @ghinae too!

dpt dr ghina jg nih hahaha. br kali ini post 2x ya :p oke let's begin guys!!!

Rules: once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 100 truths about you.

got from ghina. tagged to : ayu, nanda, nadira, stella

1.Last beverage: barusan, minum teh hahaha
2.Last phone call: hm gaada.ada tgl 21juni dr nanda
3.Last text message: from mamet
4.Last song you listened to: I Need A Girl - P.Diddy ft.Usher
5.Last time you cried: bbrp hari yg lalu

6.Dated someone twice: nge-date aje blm pernah-,-
7.Been cheated on: gapernah, pacaran aja br sekali
8.Kissed someone & regretted it: gapernah
9.Lost someone special: pernah,setahun yg okelah itu masa lalu ya
10.Been depressed: mgkn kl smp depresi ngga ya, hidup enjoy aja kale wkwk
11.Been drunk & threw up: kagak pernah


15.Made a new friend: yes!
16.Fallen out of love: yes! hem hem-,-
17.Laughed until you cried: yes! hahaha
18.Met someone who changed you: yes! my ex-,-
19.Found out who your true friends were: yes,of curse! hahaha
20.Found out someone was talking about you: hm nope
21.Kissed anyone on your friend's list: cewek apa cowok?
22.How many people on your friend list do you know in real life: banyak ya hahahaha
23.How many kids do you want to have: 2, cowok trs cewek hahaha
24.Do you have any pets: ga, tp lg berusaha minta grgr golde gue mate-,-
25.Do you want to change your name: nope, i like my name :p
26.What did you do for your last birthday: lupa-,-
27.What time you wake up today: 09:30 AM
28.What were you doing at midnight last night: masih online
29.Name something you CANNOT wait for: ketemu #FVD pastinya :3
30.Last time you saw your mother: kemaren pagi.krn semalem dia ga plg kermh yg ini-,-
31.What is one thing you wish you could change about you: not be a childish, selfish, and moody of couse-,-
32.What are you listening right now: nih FTV yg ada di SCTV-,-wakakakakak
33.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: ada, Tommy, tmn TK gue hahaha
34.What's getting on your nervous right now: masuk SMA-,-
35.Most visited webpage: twitter,blogger,tumblr
36.Whats your real name: Munissa Sari Mahardika
37.Nicknames: Sari or Ai
38.Relationship status: single
39.Zodiac Sign: Leo
40.Male or Female: female
41.Elementary?: SDN Kayu Putih 03
42.JH/H school: br lulus dr SMPN 99 Jakarta
43.College/others: belom
44.Hair colour: gatau.mgkn hitam atau coklat
45.Long or short: gatau deh-,-
46.Height: 149-,-
47.Do you have a crush on someone: nope!
48.What do you like about yourself: my eyes, my lips, my hair :p
49.Piercings: nope
50.Tattoos: nope
51.Righty of Lefty: right!!!

52.First surgery: nope
53.First piercing: nope
54.First bestfriend: temen SD hahaha
55.First sport you joined: ape ye, basket mgkn
56.First vacation: gatau deh. wkt kecil aja srg ke bandung, terakhir ke jogja-,-
58.First pair or trainers: taudeh

59.Eating: udah!
60.Drinking: udah jg!
61.I'm about to: taudeh
62.Listening to: ga dengerin apa-apa
63.Waiting on: gaada

64.Want kids?: yes!
65.Get Married?: yes, of couse. tp ntr aja kl udah ckp umur
66.Career?: smp skg msh pgn jadi dokter anak :p

67.Lips or eyes: eyes!!!
68.Hugs or kisses: of couse, hugs!
69.Shorter or Taller: taller
70.Older or Younger: older!
71.Romantic or spontaneous: romantic :p
72.nice stomach or nice arms: nice arms
73.Sensitive or loud: loud
74.Hook-up or relationship: relationship
75.Trouble maker or hesitant: hesitant

76.Kissed a stranger: nope
77.Drank hard liquor: dua teguk gapapa kan wakakakakak
78.Lost glasses/contacts: pernah
79.Sex on first date: nope
80.Broken someone's heart: kayaknya pernah HAHAHA
82.Been arrested: nope
83.Turned someone down: kayaknya pernah
84.Cried when someone died: kayaknya ngga
85.Fallen for a friend: dunno

86.Yourself: yes!
87.Miracle: yes
88.Love at the first sight: yep
89.Heaven: yes
90.Santa Claus: NOPE!
91.Kiss on the first date: nope
92.Angels: yes, Jibril dkk!

94.Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: nope
95.Did you sing today: ngga, tenggorokan lg sakit-,-
96.Ever cheated on somebody: nope
97.If you could go back in time, how far you would go?: waktu gue kecil mgkn ya hahaha
98.If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: semuanya hari boleh? pas sm temen2 gue hahaha

100.Posting this as 100 truths?: jujur semua dong hahaha
